• youthprojectcommunity@gmail.com
  • +44 (0) 7853 263 553

Water RO Plant

Water RO Plant

The Manchester Community and Youth Project is working on a range of clean water projects in Pakistan.

Many households in Pakistan lack access to clean running water. Or the salt and mineral content of the underground water makes it undrinkable leading a whole host of kidney and liver diseases and infections.

1. Water Hand Pumps (£100) – serving a single household in rural Pakistan without access to clean running water.

A handpump can be ordered for £100 with a dedicated name plate which can be given as a Sadaqa Jaariya gift to deceased loved ones, or a birthday present, or mother’s day gift in appreciation of a loved one, friend or a colleague.

We have provided nearly 3000 of these individual handpumps so far.

2. Solar Powered Wells £1500. Supplying a sustainable clean water solution for an entire village in rural Pakistan.

We have installed solar water wells recently in the Thar Desert in Sindh, Pakistan.

3. Reverse Osmosis Water Plants (£5600) and £7000 with solar panels– serving 50,000 gallons of daily clean water supply to semi-urban populations.

We have put together 4 such RO plants so far. 2 in Karachi, 1 in Jhudoo and 1 in Tandoo Ghulam Ali.

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Donation Total: £10.00 Monthly